4 days/3 nigths of Ayahuasca retreat

IT INCLUDES: 3 ayahuasca ceremonies, 1 flowering bath, shaman guide, visit to Lupuna tree, private room, water to drink and to shower,  electricity 3 hours per day, 3 meal per day.

Price: 650 usd

7 days/6 nigths of Ayahuasca retreat

IT INCLUDES: 3 ayahuasca ceremonies, 2 flowering bath, shaman guide,  hiking in the jungle, visit to Lupuna tree, private room, water to drink and to shower,  electricity 3 hours per day, 3 meal per day.

Price: 850 usd

10 days/9 nigths of Ayahuasca retreat

IT INCLUDES: 5 ayahuasca ceremonies, 2 flowering bath, 1 kambo, 1 Rapé, shaman guide,  hiking in the jungle, visit to Lupuna tree, private room, water to drink and to shower,  electricity 3 hours per day, 3 meal per day.

Price: 1000 usd


Kambo session

The Kambo ceremony is a traditional Amazonian ritual involving the application of frog venom to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit, promoting healing and spiritual growth.

Price: 60 usd

Rapé session

Rapé ceremony is a sacred Amazonian ritual where powdered tobacco is blown into the nostrils to induce a meditative state, cleanse energies, and promote spiritual connection and clarity.

Price: 60 usd

Flowering Bath

The Flowering Bath is a holistic ritual involving the infusion of fresh flowers and herbs in water. It aims to rejuvenate the body, uplift the spirit, and promote overall well-being.

Price: 50 usd

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